EasyTable is the BDE alternative database system with SQL support providing access to a database in its own single-file format in fas
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EasyTable is the BDE alternative database system with SQL support providing access to a database in its own single-file format in fast and easy way. It contains 4 components called TEasyTable, TEasyDatabase, TEasyQuery and TEasySession. TEasyDatabase is intended for working with several tables in a single file. TEasyQuery provides SQL and DDL commands support. TEasySession is specially designed for multithread access. TEasyTable is a TTable replacement supporting most of its features such as master/detail, filtering, searching, sorting, Key and Range methods, BLOB fields and some special ones such as data encryption, BLOB data compression, multi-indexes, shareable in memory capabilities, in-memory mode and others. TEasyTable doesn`t use BDE, has small footprint, provides extremely fast data access with buffering and has the excellent search performance using multi-indexes (see http://www.aidaim.com/articles/dbtests1.php for details). EasyTable supports storing multiple tables inside the single database file or even inside the executable file. It is fully compatible with standard DB-aware visual controls such as QuickReport, DBGrid, DBNavigator, DBImage, DBMemo, DBRichEdit and others. EasyTable supports calculated and lookup fields. EasyTable provides data importing from and exporting to any data source. It supports internationalization / localization and Unicode. Also there are many useful things such as table restructuring, table data restoring, displaying progress during slow operations with the table data and so on. EasyTable includes some utilities with sources such as EasyTable Manager, a visual utility for creating and editing databases and tables as well as importing / exporting data. There are comprehensive help system and many demos for Delphi / C++ Builder in the EasyTable delivery package.
EasyTable is now available for Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7 and C++ Buider 4, 5, 6 in the following variations (Read License.txt for details):
- EasyTable Free is a free variant for 30-day trial only (with nag-screen outside IDE). Using this trial version in commercial applications is strictly prohibited!
- EasyTable Lite has no SQL and multithread support. For single developer only!
- EasyTable Com is a general purpose variant with no restrictions for one developer only.
- EasyTable Pro contains full source code in addition (for single developer!).
- EasyTable Team4: source code version for 2...4 developers.
- EasyTable Team8: source code version for 5...8 developers.
- EasyTable Enterprise is source code version for entire company. Includes Upgrade Subscription for 12 months.
read more about AidAim EasyTable ODBC Driver Com v.5
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IDAutomation .NET Barcode Control Package 2.0
These advanced controls allow the creation of barcodes from .NET applications that can be easily sent to the printer or to graphic images without fonts. This package also includes the compact framework control for Pocket PC. The control supports Linear ...
IDAutomation.com, Inc. | 204KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1310
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
PDF417 Barcode .Net Control 3.0
MW6 PDF417 .Net Control can create the professional 2D barcode image for your .Net applications, you can save the barcode as different image format files. It is easy to print barcode using the PrintDocument Control provided by the .Net Framework (See the ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 95/NT/2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1295
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
PDF417 Barcode ASP.Net Component 3.0
Our lightweight PDF417 ASP.Net component is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your ASP.Net web pages running on the IIS server. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 29KB | Win 95/NT/2000/XP | $299 | Downloads: 1242
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
PDF417 Barcode ASP Component 3.0
Our small footprint PDF417 ASP component is an ATL COM product which can add professional quality 2D barcode PNG format image to your web pages running on the IIS server. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 29KB | Win 95/NT/2000/XP | $299 | Downloads: 1241
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
PDF417 Barcode Win32 DLL 3.0
Our PDF417 Win32 DLL can create device independent 2D barcode image for your applications, you can save the barcode as either BMP or WMF image file or copy barcode WMF image to clipboard. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1264
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Barcode Win32 DLL 3.0
Our Barcode Win32 DLL can create device independent 1D barcode image for your applications, you can save the barcode as either BMP or WMF image file or copy barcode WMF image to clipboard. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1356
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Aztec 2D Barcode ASP.Net Component 3.0
Our lightweight Aztec ASP.Net component is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your ASP.Net web pages running on the IIS server. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 29KB | Win 2000/XP | $299 | Downloads: 1349
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Aztec 2D Barcode ASP Component 3.0
Our small footprint Aztec ASP component is an ATL COM product which can add professional quality 2D barcode PNG format image to your web pages running on the IIS server. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 29KB | Win 2000/XP | $299 | Downloads: 1300
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
DataMatrix 2D Barcode ASP.Net Component 3.0
Our lightweight DataMatrix ASP.Net component is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your ASP.Net web pages running on the IIS server. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 29KB | Win 2000/XP | $299 | Downloads: 1345
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
DataMatrix 2D Barcode Win32 DLL 3.0
Our DataMatrix Win32 DLL can create device independent 2D barcode image for your applications, you can save the barcode as either BMP or WMF image file or copy barcode WMF image to clipboard. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 2000/XP | $N/A | Downloads: 1333
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
DataMatrix 2D Barcode ASP Component 3.0
Our small footprint DataMatrix ASP component is an ATL COM product which can add professional quality 2D barcode PNG format image to your web pages running on the IIS server. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 29KB | Win 2000/XP | $299 | Downloads: 1359
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Aztec 2D Barcode Win32 DLL 3.0
Our Aztec Win32 DLL can create device independent 2D barcode image for your applications, you can save the barcode as either BMP or WMF image file or copy barcode WMF image to clipboard. ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1302
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
DataMatrix 2D Barcode .Net Control 3.0
MW6 DataMatrix .Net Windows From can create the professional 2D barcode image for your .Net applications, you can save the barcode as different image format files. It is easy to print barcode using the PrintDocument Control provided by the .Net Framewor ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1336
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Aztec 2D Barcode .Net Control 3.0
MW6 Aztec .Net Control can create the professional 2D barcode image for your .Net applications, you can save the barcode as different image format files. It is easy to print barcode using the PrintDocument Control provided by the .Net Framework (See the ...
MW6 Technologies, Inc. | 976KB | Win 2000/XP | $199 | Downloads: 1326
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
FastCRC Library 1.50
A fast, highly optimized implementation of popular checksum algorithms: CRC32, CRC16, CRC16C (CRC-CCITT). The library allows to calculate checksums for files, memory blocks, strings, blobs, streaming data. It is quick, flexible, easy to use. It supports ...
SlavaSoft Inc. | 272KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $29.95 | Downloads: 1288
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
QuickHash Library 3.0
A fast, highly optimized implementation of hash and checksum algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD(128,160,256,320), PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, CRC-16, CRC-CCITT, ADLER32. The library allows to calculate hashes (message digests), checks ...
SlavaSoft Inc. | 660KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $149.95 | Downloads: 1338
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
QuickCrypt Library 2.50
A fast, highly optimized implementation of symmetric (private-key) encryption/decryption algorithms: DES, Triple DES (3DES), DESX, BLOWFISH, RIJNDAEL (AES - Advanced Encryption Standard), GOST (USSR/Russian Encryption Standard). It supports 5 modes of ope ...
SlavaSoft Inc. | 400KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $149.95 | Downloads: 1254
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
COMM-DRV/CE Standard Edition 1.0
COMM-DRV/CE is a professional serial communication library for Windows/CE & Pocket PC. It supports ZModem, YModem, and XModem file transfer protocols as well as modem communication. COMM-DRV/CE does not require that you have a Pocket PC to develop serial ...
WCSC (Willies Computer Software Co) | 4610KB | Win 2000/XP/CE | $99.95 | Downloads: 1227
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
Virtual Serial Port Driver XP4 4.0
Virtual Serial Port Driver XP4 creates two pure virtual serial ports in your system which are virtually connected to each other. For other Windows applications, virtual ports will be seen exactly as two real serial ports connected via null-modem cable. ...
ELTIMA Software GmbH | 1505KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $111.95 | Downloads: 1325
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
FastReport CLX 2.5
Added: - compatibility with FastReport 2.5 VCL - Bitmaps export BMP - advanced HTML export - TfrReport properties: ReportComment, ReportName, ReportAutor, ReportDate, ReportLastChange, ReportPasswordProtected, ReportPassword, Advanced ReportVersion (major ...
Fast Reports, Inc. | 2278KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $99 | Downloads: 1371
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |
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